Quick Impact Fund: Initial Projects
Via the QUICK IMPACT FUND, NPF will be funding smaller to medium-sized critical/high-need projects that otherwise might not get off the ground in 2024 and beyond. All projects will be vetted and selected by the NPF projects committee — which is comprised of local community members and NPF Board members. Examples** of initial projects that NPF is currently scoping/seeking Founding Member support for include:
Tree Planting: To support various tree planting initiatives to help with erosion and land corridors for animals.
Pet Services: To support initiatives for dog & cat neutering (as well as vaccines) that will get at the root cause of insufficient homes for dogs and cats in the area.
Water Monitoring: To purchase water quality monitoring system equipment to better monitor the health of our water system (Waterkeepers).
Police Security: To support various housing and construction needs in Santa Teresa and Cobano to ensure ample police presence in the area.
School Infrastructure: To support various public schools with critical infrastructure needs that ensure healthy learning environments for kids. These include: fixing leaking roofs, building dining rooms, and providing needed desks and chairs.
Street Lighting: To support the installation of street lighting in key areas to ensure better road access and safety.
Public Spaces: To bolster public spaces for better community engagement. These include support of the ST Skate Park, providing playgrounds, providing better fencing, etc.
After School Programs: To support key after-school programs such as soccer, boxing and music classes - that help keep kids engaged and “off the street.”
Community Center: To fund the construction plans for the planned Santa Teresa Community Center.
Education/Scholarships: To fund education scholarships for underserved kids to receive high quality schooling.
If you are interested in donating to the QUICK IMPACT FUND to support some of these critical/high-need projects, please contact Charmaine Kyle at charmaine@nicoyapeninsulafoundation.org.
**Please note that this is not an all inclusive list of projects. All projects will need further scoping and vetting. If you have any projects that you think should be considered, please contact us at: info@nicoyapeninsulafoundation.org.